Aminata Touré


Professional experience

Since February 2015: Special Envoy of President Macky Sall for internal and external Affairs

December 2014: Head of the African Union Observation Mission for Mauritius General Elections

1st September 2013 to 13 Juillet: Prime Minister of Senegal

5th April 2012 to 30th August 2013: Minister of Justice, Attorney General

August 2009 - April 2012: Director of the Gender and Human Rights World Department of the United Nations Population Funds in New York

October 2003- August 2009: Senior Adviser at UNFPA Headquarter in New York

January 2002 - October 2013: West Africa Program Manager on Gender and HIV and Aids

February 1998- December 2001: UNFPA Senior adviser in Côte d’Ivoire

January 1996 to December 1997: UNFPA Senior adviser in Burkina Faso

February 1992- November 1995: Adviser and Program Director of ASBEF, Senegal branch of the International Planned Parenthood Federation

December 1988- November 1991: Senior staff and head of Incomes Department and Marketing of SOTRAC, National Public Transportation Company of 2500 employees



Equally fluent in French, English and Wolof



Directed more than 30 UNFPA worldwide publications